Quilting for pleasure
Find Joy in the Journey
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Damn It Dolls
Cute gifts to give at Christmas. I also made some Dang It Dolls for the kids or those who don’t want to use the stronger word “Damn”. They are $10 each. Cash or check. Local only at this time.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Unbearably Cute
Finished the little twin boy quilt on Wednesday evening. It is approximately 50" x 50". Made with blue & yellow flannel. The center block has the applique bear which was made with one of my newest die cuts for my Accucut cutter. I really like the way it turned out. Flannel backing as well.
The name of the quilt is "Unbearably Cute". And the little one is cute (as least from his picture). I will pop over to see them soon.
Got this done in the nick of time as the little neighbors have arrived!
The name of the quilt is "Unbearably Cute". And the little one is cute (as least from his picture). I will pop over to see them soon.
Got this done in the nick of time as the little neighbors have arrived!
Monday, September 2, 2019
Somebunny Loves Me
I designed and made this baby quilt for a neighbor who is going to have twins - a girl & a boy. This is obviously the little girl quilt. I appliqued the bunnies & embroidered "Somebunny Loves Me" in a circular design.
The backing is a mottled lavender flannel.
I have the center square of the little boy quilt ready and need to cut out the squares for the 9 patch blocks.
The backing is a mottled lavender flannel.
I have the center square of the little boy quilt ready and need to cut out the squares for the 9 patch blocks.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Mixed Berries
Well, I had to use the 9 patch blocks that I had left over from my last scrappy quilt. This time I used pinks & purples for the log cabin piecing. I really like this one.
Some of the purple & pink fabrics & the backing fabrics were given to me by a neighbor. Thank Deonne Vance.
Of course I had to make a pillowcase as well.
The quilt is approximately 78" x 90".
Photos were taken early this morning so there are quite a few shadows. I keep saying one day I will buy a better camera!
Some of the purple & pink fabrics & the backing fabrics were given to me by a neighbor. Thank Deonne Vance.
Of course I had to make a pillowcase as well.
The quilt is approximately 78" x 90".
Photos were taken early this morning so there are quite a few shadows. I keep saying one day I will buy a better camera!
I love the pinks & purples
I machine quilted with an all over hook & curl pattern.
"Mixed Berries"
I used 4 different flannel pieces for the backing
and of course the pillowcase
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Lemon Lime with a Twist
I am still trying to make a dent in my scraps & precut fabric. I usually take the remains of previous projects & cut them into usable pieces. This quilt uses 2 1/2" strips and a few 2" strips here and there on the outer edges.
I knew I wanted to make a larger quilt this time so I made 42 of the 9 patch squares. These are made with pink & purple fabrics. When you are using fabrics with both colors in it you have to choose which will be the predominant color. You can see my choices in the quilt. You may choose differently. There is no right or wrong when you a scrappy quilter (which I am).
I knew I wanted to make a larger quilt this time so I made 42 of the 9 patch squares. These are made with pink & purple fabrics. When you are using fabrics with both colors in it you have to choose which will be the predominant color. You can see my choices in the quilt. You may choose differently. There is no right or wrong when you a scrappy quilter (which I am).
Sew 3 strips together. Two of one color wave & one of the other color wave.
Start to build your log cabin block around the 9 patch block. I added 2 pink sides then will add 2 purple to the other sides of the 9 patch block.
This is the block before trimming. You could just trim it to 13 1/2". But I thought "what if I cut in on an angle?"
So out came the 12 1/2" square ruler. I twisted it a bit and then cut. I did not cut the same angle on the subsequent blocks as I wanted to see what would happen.
This is the 12 1/2" block ready to use. Notice only the outer strips are actually trimmed to a twisted angle.
This is the result. I laid the blocks out in the "furrow" setting. There are many ways to set these log cabin blocks. Can't wait to see what happens in the next twisted quilt.....
I used a bright yellow cozy flannel fabric for the outer border and the backing. Quilted with a free form modified clam shell pattern.
Of course the label. I knew it was going to be called Lemon Lime with a Twist as soon as I put the yellow & green fabrics as my choice of colors. (All using scrap pieces).
I had enough of the flannel to make a matching pillow case.
Oh yes, I bagged up the left over pink & purple strips & the start of more nine patch blocks to use in another quilt.
The sample block is clearly visable in this 2 gallon storage bag.
I hope you all have a wonderful Easter today.
Matthew - CHAPTER 28
Christ the Lord is risen—He appears to many—He has all power in heaven and earth—He sends the Apostles to teach and baptize all nations.
1 aIn the end of the bsabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre.
2 And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for athe bangel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it.
4 And for fear of him the keepers did shake, and became as dead men.
5 aAnd the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified.
7 And go quickly, and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead; and, behold, he goeth before you into Galilee; there shall ye see him: lo, I have told you.
8 And they departed quickly from the sepulchre with fear and great joy; and did run to bring his disciples word.
9 ¶ And as they went to tell his disciples, behold, aJesus met them, saying, All hail. And they came and held him by the feet, and worshipped him.
10 Then said Jesus unto them, Be not afraid: go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee, and there shall they see me.
11 ¶ Now when they were going, behold, some of the awatch came into the city, and bshewedunto the chief priests all the things that were done.
12 And when they were assembled with the elders, and had taken counsel, they gave alarge money unto the soldiers,
13 Saying, Say ye, His disciples came by night, and stole him away while we slept.
14 And if this come to the governor’s ears, we will persuade him, and asecure you.
15 So they took the money, and did as they were taught: and this saying is commonly reported among the Jews until this day.
16 ¶ Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them.
17 And when they saw him, they worshipped him: but some adoubted.
19 ¶ Go ye therefore, and ateach all bnations, cbaptizing them in the name of the dFather, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
20 aTeaching them to bobserve all things whatsoever I have ccommanded you: and, lo, dI am with you alway, even unto the eend of the world. Amen.
Sunday, March 10, 2019
Living the Life
What to do with those left over 10" squares? Well, they just happened to match some of the Indian Motorcycle fabric that I had purchased a couple of years ago for a special order. I had bought a little more than I needed for the order and put it away for a future project. I suppose this was the time to take it out of the stash closet. The Moda fabric squares that I had were the perfect color to go with the dark brown motorcycle print. A few days of sewing in between work and other commitments and this is what happened.
Living the Life
The quilt turned out to be approximately 78" x 92". A nice size to snuggle up in on a cold day.
Label attached
The backing is snuggle flannel in tan/brown wolf & forest print. I had bought a bolt of the flannel a while ago as it was a print I had not seen before and thought I may use it at some point for a quilt backing. It worked out well.
I was fortunate enough to have just enough of the red & grey Indian wing print left to make the flange for the pillow case. I still have just a yard or so left of the other fabrics.
The machine quilting is an overall stipple stitch using the last of the brown variegated thread.
On to the next project!
Thursday, February 21, 2019
In The Wild
Finished a quilt order tonight. I love it! I used a panel from Hoffman fabric line called "Call of the Wild", 2 10" square pre-cut packs from Kona Cotton in Gray Area Pallet & Sediment Pallet. The layout is a brick pattern. I know this was the right pattern for this quilt because it just went together so well. I backed it in a Cuddle flannel called Camo Bears. Made a matching pillowcase as well. The quilt finished out at 77" x 86". A nice size for the young man who will receive it.
Machine quilted in variegated thread in a stipple design. Used gray thread on the backing.
Machine quilted in variegated thread in a stipple design. Used gray thread on the backing.
Too big to get a good photo inside. Too cold, dark and snowy outside to photograph outdoors.
The colors don't show very well in this photo. It is really a great looking quilt!
In The Wild. All over stipple machine quilting with variegated thread.
and of course, the matching pillow case.
Sunday, February 10, 2019
February Sun
I am working on using my 5" precut fabric. Every time I have a sewing or quilting project that has left over fabric I cut the remaining fabric into 5" squares, 2 1/2" strips, or 2 1/2" squares. That way I have containers of precut sizes to use whenever the desire strikes me to quilt. OK, OK, that's most of the time, but you would be amazed at how many quilts you can get from one small container of fabric pieces.
Any way, I bought a couple of bolts of yellow print fabric a few years ago, yellow not being a major color in my color wheel for sewing, and I decided I was going to use some of it in this quilt.
I used the Tossed Nine Patch or Split Nine Patch pattern. Every center square was a red block so that when the 9 patch block was sub-cut there would be a 2 1/2" red block in each corner of the sub-cut block. I used the yellow print in the border, backing, and the matching pillowcase. Still have about a bolt & a half of yellow left (another project on the horizon).
Next up is an order for an over sized twin quilt for a boy. Just got the fabric for the center of the quilt top. Cannot wait to start the quilt.
Happy quilting to all!
Any way, I bought a couple of bolts of yellow print fabric a few years ago, yellow not being a major color in my color wheel for sewing, and I decided I was going to use some of it in this quilt.
I used the Tossed Nine Patch or Split Nine Patch pattern. Every center square was a red block so that when the 9 patch block was sub-cut there would be a 2 1/2" red block in each corner of the sub-cut block. I used the yellow print in the border, backing, and the matching pillowcase. Still have about a bolt & a half of yellow left (another project on the horizon).
Next up is an order for an over sized twin quilt for a boy. Just got the fabric for the center of the quilt top. Cannot wait to start the quilt.
Happy quilting to all!
Split or Tossed 9 Patch pattern. White sashing is made from 2 1/2" strips.
"February Sun". Quilted in an edge to edge free motion modified curve pattern.
Of course, a matching pillowcase!
Saturday, January 19, 2019
Mini Maxx
I just had to use up the leftover bonus half square triangle units from my PJ Maxx project. Mini Maxx is 42" x 48". Just the right size for a child or a puppy (yes I have made doggie quilts in the past). I machine quilted it with a free form wavy horizontal line. Gotta love left over units!
Monday, January 7, 2019
PJ Maxx - First Quilt of the New Year!
I wanted to use some of the 5 inch squares that I had in my scrappy stash box. When I make PJ's for the grandsons I will cut the leftover flannel into 5" squares & 2 1/2" strips. That way I have some fabric ready to go into a project when I get the "bug". I threw in a few cotton scraps as well in this project. I made half square units and put them into an Around the World layout. I used a strip of the half square units in the backing as well to lengthen the flannel to the right measurement. Easy, peasy.
The quilt ended up being about 68" x 81". Backed with a cozy flannel. Of course the name of the quilt came fairly quickly - PJ Maxx. A little play on words there.
May your new year bring you much peace, contentment, and joy. God Bless!
The quilt ended up being about 68" x 81". Backed with a cozy flannel. Of course the name of the quilt came fairly quickly - PJ Maxx. A little play on words there.
May your new year bring you much peace, contentment, and joy. God Bless!
Amazing what a few 5 inch squares can do!
Used a strip of the half square triangles on the backing.
and of course, the label!
A matching pillow case from the remaining fabric.
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