Last week while looking through items at our local Desert Industries (thrift store) I came across a vintage White sewing machine. It did not have a zig zag foot so I didn't try it out. Well, today I went back & the machine was still there. I had a sewing bag with me with fabric, thread, and yes, a zig zag foot. Hauled that sucker over to the "give it a try" counter. Put the foot on, plugged her in, adjusted tension & she purred liked a kitten. The carrying case is in fair shape but the machine is a sweetheart. No cams came with it but she does a straight stitch, zig zag, & blind stitch. Now, I found the manager & asked him if the machine could be marked down. He went to his office. I continued to sew on her. Back he came & hit me with
$15. I lugged that 30 lb. puppy up to the counter & she was all mine. At home she & the case had a good scrubbing, then oiled & adjusted the machine. Can I just say I love vintage!
No actual sewing happened today as the weather was so nice I worked outside. BBQ with the kids, played with Hannah, had a great day.
Maybe sewing tomorrow after church.
Model 162